When using Rise Hotel Booking, you must have 4 different pages.
- Room Search
This is the page where users will search the rooms. You can also add this as a widget instead of a seperate page.
Shortcode: [rise_room_search]
- Room Search Results
This is the page which the users will be redirected to when they search for a room.
Shortcode: [rise_room_search_results]
- Room Checkout
This is the page where the user will be redirected to when they click on the “book” button on a room.
Shortcode: [rise_checkout]
- Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of your website.
No shortcode needed. - Rooms (optional)
Displays all rooms added on the website. This is not mandatory.Shortcode: [rise_rooms]
To add a page, go to Pages > Add New. Name the page however you want. For the content of the page, add a new shortcode. Find the shortcode from the list below, and add it. Publish the page, and congratulations, you have created the page! Remember to select the page in the Rise Hotel Booking settings.